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Election of Parish Councillors for       Burnhope Parish 2021

"In England, a civil parish is a territorial designation"




I, being the Returning Officer at the above election, report that the persons whose names appear below were duly elected Parish Councillorsfor Burnhope Parish.



Name of Candidate

Home Address

Description (if any)


Janet Box,

31 Whitehouse Avenue Burnhope DH7 OAJ

07923 550046


Derek Coates,

12 Braeside Burnhope DH7 0AY  

07972 225950


Barry Henderson,

7 The Villas Burnhope DH7 0AE

01207 520892


Philippa Luther,

1A Whitehouse Avenue Burnhope DH7 0AJ

07305 993178


Sarah McCormick,

19 Vale View Burnhope DH7 0EA 

07958 005878


Caroline McCulloch,



Ian McKeag,

49 Beech Grove Burnhope DH7 0AT

07896 296160


Tom Metcalf,

01207 521586


Gordon Smith,

7 The Villas Burnhope DH7 0BQ

07810 881379


Louise Clarke,

Garage Bar&Grill Pavilion Terrace Burnhope DH7 0BN

07912 642065


Terry Clarke,

Garage Bar&Grill Pavilion Terrace Burnhope DH7 0BN

07425 838035


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